This is quite possibly the first ever Neocities site that focuses on the Rio franchise, let alone on a CHARACTER. It's not a shocker, really — Rio's been around for nearly 13+ years now, and the fanbase is rather underground and the only people who know of the franchise nowadays are long-time veterans, very dedicated fans, youngins' new to the franchise, people getting that random nostalgia boost, heard about it from CinemaSins or from some random furry art of a certain nature that I cannot legally tell you without consulting with my macaw lawyers.

And what better way to give the franchise some love than by mentally exhausting my brain by trying to learn some basic coding to have my own website that entirely focuses on just ONE character for you, the viewer, to see???? It's GENIUS. Marvelous, even!

But to cut things straight and get into the ACTUAL greeting — ello, I'm Mr. IWontRevealMyNameHereBecauseHeckYou. I've always had a fond loving for Rio and it was one of the movies that singlehandedly exploded my interest with birds - and like WITH the Angry Birds franchise, almost made me consider taking Ornithology (study of birbs). But sadly, from experiences that I will not bring up here, effectively killed my hyper interest, or well, hyperfixation, with birds for a while. I still loved them but they weren't my focus for a while. Maybe it's expected? There were many times where I relasped back into my bird interest for a bit before my brain stopped giving a darn. It looks like it changed again with the Rio franchise, and man, was it a great decision, too.

I experienced and understood so much about the movies after joining a particular server that I unintentionally joined a few months ago, and I can definitely say it helped give myself a mini revival interest to the franchise for say... heck, a month? A month before brain lost interest again and poofed for a while. But then I felt bad and was tired of putting my interests to the side and thought of spending 2024 as THE year of dedicating myself back to this franchise.

I tried with Angry Birds; Couldn't work, not worth it. Maybe on the side? But eh, I'll have like ten minutes worth of motivation and it'll poop itself faster a youtube comment section after someone fails to understand basic sarcasm or a joke.

Tried Gahoole; Yeah, not even going to give an answer for that one. Okai, I will - Gahoole's more of a side interest than a genuine one at this point. Never have I actually done anything with that franchise. I remember it, I think of it, I imagine scenarios of it whenever I bang to fitting music - but never have I ever done actual art, or a story, or anything meaningful. It was just thought and that's all it'll ever be for a bloke like me.

So I guess Rio'll be the only franchise I'm attempting to actively get back into. And of course, I'm going to do that by gradually working on a website where I express and share my relapsed obsession with a character that only ten people in the world remembers! YAAY!

Anyway, feel free to explore the other areas of the site. It's only going to get more stupid from here.

"They say being self aware of how stupid your special interest is will make people tolerate it more. That's a lie, who's going to care? My left foot? It's an obscure character for goodness sake. I'm pretty sure no one here on this site knows this dude exists, so ya got nothing to worry about. I think." - Sun Tzu